The Good Jobs Blog
Handprint’s field notes for purpose-driven companies and people about how to hire better, find meaningful work, and use business as a force for good.
How One B Corp’s Two-Year Candidate Search Ends at Handprint: A Mightybytes Case Study
Mightybytes, a certified B Corporation, had been searching for the right candidate for their Director of Growth & Impact position for nearly two years. In 30 days on Handprint, they found their perfect match. The numbers tell the whole story.
Unlocking the Potential of Purpose-Driven Hiring with Handprint's Company Profile Feature
In the ever-evolving landscape of purpose-driven businesses, finding the right talent can be a daunting task. Leaders of B Corps and other impact companies know that a perfect match between candidate and organization goes beyond skills and experience. It requires a deep alignment with values, mission, and culture to find a fit for the role and the company. However, traditional job platforms often fall short in bridging this crucial gap, leading to mismatched hires and disengaged employees.
Reinventing Recruiting: Embracing Systems Change in Hiring
Hiring is broken, but we can fix it. Yes, the future of hiring must strike a delicate balance between technological advancement and human-centered practices, but it’s time for a paradigm shift and systemic overhaul in our fundamental approach to talent acquisition that prioritizes human-centric values.
The Difference Between Mission, Vision, Purpose, and Values and Why They Matter
Conscious companies are deeply committed to having a positive impact. The best of them clearly communicate that commitment through their purpose, mission, values, and vision statements - but this can be hard to do! We’re going to walk you through each and explain how they are distinct, relevant, and important, as well as how these statements relate to one another.
Tips for Being Successful at Hiring
Hiring isn’t just about finding someone to complete tasks. You’re adding a person into the mix who has unique experiences, ideas and attributes, and each new team member will impact your company’s internal dynamics. Hiring the wrong person can kill morale and productivity, but a well thought-out hiring strategy will help you select a great candidate and avoid the risks and costs of a bad hire.
Fostering Productive Conflict in the Workplace
Workplace conflict is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean it has to be detrimental to productivity or relationships. In fact, when handled in a healthy way, conflict can lead to better outcomes. But this doesn’t happen on its own. Companies must create the environment for productive conflict to thrive by practicing effective communication, learning conflict styles, and embracing lessons learned.
Building an Intentional Workplace Community
We spend one-third of our lives at work. That’s time away from our families, friends, and other traditional sources of community. So, what would it look like if employers and employees worked together to build an intentionally designed workplace community? One that increased engagement and well-being by encouraging open communication, collaboration, and mutual support in a safe, inclusive space?
Screening and Interviewing in 2022
2022 is going to be a big year for hiring. As the Great Resignation continues, companies will need to adapt to the job seekers’ market and compete for talent who have high expectations for their next career move. To thrive in this new economy, you need a screening and interviewing process that helps you mitigate bias so you can find the best candidates and build your reputation with integrity.
How To Survive the Great Resignation
There’s a lot of speculation about what’s causing the Great Resignation, but one thing is clear: people are leaving their jobs in record numbers and companies are struggling to fill roles. To survive (and thrive), employers need to hire for mission and values alignment, write job descriptions that attract the best candidates, invest in the employees they already have, and hire from within.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Work
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is an essential step toward a more equitable society - and it’s also good for companies. Building a diverse workforce improves the employee experience, increases engagement, and strengthens company performance. Diverse organizations are also more representative of the communities they engage with, enabling them to better serve their customers.
Recruitment Marketing - Telling Your Company’s Story
Every business leader knows the importance of brand and product marketing. However, any business that markets exclusively to customers and clients is missing a key audience: future employees. To attract the talent that will set your company apart, you need a fresh approach to recruitment marketing. We’ve got a few tips and strategies to help you craft your story and recruit team members who will take up your mission as their own.