The Good Jobs Blog

Handprint’s field notes for purpose-driven companies and people about how to hire better, find meaningful work, and use business as a force for good.

Reinventing Recruiting: Embracing Systems Change in Hiring

Hiring is broken, but we can fix it. Yes, the future of hiring must strike a delicate balance between technological advancement and human-centered practices, but it’s time for a paradigm shift and systemic overhaul in our fundamental approach to talent acquisition that prioritizes human-centric values.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

Looking for Meaningful Work? Start With Self-Awareness

The global slowdown triggered by Covid-19 provided many of us with space to reflect on our lives. For many, this resulted in a desire to derive more meaning and purpose from our work. But meaningful work isn’t the same for all of us. So, to find your way, start by clarifying your values, interests, and favorite skills. This will help you seek out job opportunities that align with all three.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

Three Questions to Ask in an Interview

Determining if a job is the right fit for you can be a challenge. You can learn a lot about a company online, but it’s still hard to get a good sense of what it would actually be like to work there. That’s why it’s so important to ask your own questions during a job interview. It’s your chance to get a better feel for the company and determine if the role is one in which you can thrive.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

10 Signs of a Toxic Company Culture

In the US, over 38 million people quit their jobs in 2021, and this trend is continuing. This exodus has been coined The Great Resignation, and one of the leading reasons that people are leaving their jobs is due to toxic company culture. But sometimes it’s hard to know you’re in one when you’re so close to it. So, here are ten signs to look out for and some guidance on what to do about it.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

Toxic Work Culture Is Driving The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is still going strong, with millions of people across the US leaving their jobs every month. On January 11th, MIT Sloan released a study identifying toxic work culture as the leading cause behind this trend. If your company is experiencing high turnover, you may want to consider how to better promote DE&I, respect your employees, and set standards for ethical behavior.

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Job Seekers Maren Keeley Job Seekers Maren Keeley

Self-Care Tips to Avoid Burnout

Self-care is an essential part of showing up to work feeling our best. It’s hard to concentrate on your job if you aren’t getting enough sleep, nutrition, exercise, or relationship time. The demands of your work cannot come at the expense of your physical and emotional wellbeing. We need to incorporate self-care into our daily routines if we want to feel good and perform at our highest capacity.

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Job Seekers Maren Keeley Job Seekers Maren Keeley

How to Identify and Focus Your Personal Impact

If you’re wondering how you can make a difference, you’re not alone. Many of us are looking for meaningful work to help drive change. But there are so many social and environmental issues, it can be difficult to identify and focus your personal impact. The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, also known as The Global Goals, are a great place to start if you’re looking for inspiration.

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Job Seekers Maren Keeley Job Seekers Maren Keeley

Working in Alignment with Your Values

Our values guide our choices every day. From the small stuff like how to spend an afternoon to the biggest decisions of our lives, values are the root beliefs that guide action and help us lead a fulfilling life. Most of us can name at least a couple values that we hold dear, but fully integrating them into our livelihoods has the potential to bring much deeper meaning and purpose to our work.

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Job Seekers Handprint Job Seekers Handprint

The Importance of Identifying Your Core Values

Values are big concepts like honesty, creativity, honor, and justice. They’re commonly expressed to convey morals and ideals, but they become even more meaningful to us when we look at them within the context of our own lives. Personal core values are the principles that guide and motivate us. As non-negotiable boundaries, they help us articulate what we stand for. They enable us to practice integrity with consistency and engage with the world more authentically.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

Tips for a Successful First Week at Your New Job

All your hard work has paid off and you’ve landed the job. Congratulations! You’re off on an exciting new journey where you’ll get to meet new people and gain more experience. However, as you approach your first day, you may find your excitement is growing into nervousness, or even fear. But don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help you feel grounded, prepared, and ready for your first week on the job.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

Interview Tips for Landing Your Dream Job

Interviews are an opportunity for you, the job candidate, and your potential employer to get to know each other. Making a strong first impression matters, and careful preparation will ease your nerves and help you show up with confidence. Here are some strategies to help you present your best self and land the job.

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Job Seekers Maren Keeley Job Seekers Maren Keeley

12 Tips for Discovering Your Purpose

What we value about work is actively evolving. In today’s culture, where we spend so much of our time at work, it’s little wonder that people are looking to have their need for purpose fulfilled through their careers. But to do this, you first need to know what your purpose is — then you can either incorporate it into your current job or find a new work opportunity that is better suited to what you’re passionate about.

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Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez Job Seekers Cecilia Lopez

8 Tips to Help You Crush the Job Application Process

It’s exciting to see a new job opportunity open up at one of your favorite companies and decide to apply. But to make this a reality takes a bit more thought, finesse, and yes, hard work. The application process is part analytical and part intuitive. The key to success is to stay focused on the objectives you have defined for yourself and approach your search with an attitude of curiosity and confidence. Here are eight tips to help you get your application in order and get noticed.

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