The Good Jobs Blog
Handprint’s field notes for purpose-driven companies and people about how to hire better, find meaningful work, and use business as a force for good.
The Difference Between Mission, Vision, Purpose, and Values and Why They Matter
Conscious companies are deeply committed to having a positive impact. The best of them clearly communicate that commitment through their purpose, mission, values, and vision statements - but this can be hard to do! We’re going to walk you through each and explain how they are distinct, relevant, and important, as well as how these statements relate to one another.
18 Good News Stories from 2021
Most news outlets focus on provocative, fear-inducing stories because they tap into our deep psychological need to feel safer by being better informed about a problem or threat. But there are also plenty of good news stories - proof that positive change is happening every day. A daily dose of good news helps us stay motivated and keeps our spirits high as we work toward a brighter future.
The Importance of Identifying Your Core Values
Values are big concepts like honesty, creativity, honor, and justice. They’re commonly expressed to convey morals and ideals, but they become even more meaningful to us when we look at them within the context of our own lives. Personal core values are the principles that guide and motivate us. As non-negotiable boundaries, they help us articulate what we stand for. They enable us to practice integrity with consistency and engage with the world more authentically.
Purpose and Meaning in the World of Business
Companies are waking up to the fact that having a purpose beyond profit is not just good for business, it’s essential. Profit can no longer be the only goal, nor the only metric for success. People’s expectations have evolved and they’re ready to support and advocate for brands that genuinely do good. Let’s take a look at why purpose and meaning matter to three key stakeholder groups.
Chocolate on a Mission
Chocolate is a tasty treat loved by many and consumed in myriad ways worldwide. Despite its popularity and sweetness, chocolate is not without its dark side. Demand for cacao results in massive deforestation and there are human rights violations throughout the industry including child labor, poverty wages, and slavery. Learn about 3 chocolatiers on a mission to clean up this industry.
12 Tips for Discovering Your Purpose
What we value about work is actively evolving. In today’s culture, where we spend so much of our time at work, it’s little wonder that people are looking to have their need for purpose fulfilled through their careers. But to do this, you first need to know what your purpose is — then you can either incorporate it into your current job or find a new work opportunity that is better suited to what you’re passionate about.